Sunday, October 6, 2013

October Book Club Selection - Michaelene

Alex by Pierre Lemaitre

Below is a description of the book (taken from Amazon) we will be reading in October.  We will discuss this book on Wednesday, October 30th.

Upon winning the prestigious 2013 Crime Writers Association International Dagger Award, the judges praised Alex by saying, "An original and absorbing ability to leash incredulity in the name  of the fictional contract between author and reading...A police procedural, a thriller against time, a race between hunted and hunter, and a whydunnit, written from multiple points of view that explore several apprently parallel stories which finally meet."

Alex Prevost -- kidnapped, savagely beaten, suspended from the ceiling of an abandoned warehouse in a tiny wooden crate -- is running out of time.  Her abductor appears to want only to watch her die.  Will hunger, thirst, or the rats get her first?

Apart from a shaky eyewitness report of the abduction, Police Commandant Camille Verhoeven has nothing to go on:  no suspect, no leads, and no family or friends anxious to find a missing loved one.  The diminutive and brilliant detective knows from bitter experience the urgency of finding the missing woman as quickly as possible -- but first he must understand more about her.

As he uncovers the details of the young woman's singular history, Camille is forced to acknowledge that the person he seeks is no ordinary victim.  She is beautiful, yes, but also extremely tough and resourceful.  Before long, saving Alex's life will be the least of Commandant Verhoeven's considerable challenges.

Monday, September 2, 2013

September Book Selection - Tracy

The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman

Below is a description of the book (taken from Amazon) we will be reading in September.  We will discuss this book on Wednesday, September 25th.

After four harrowing years on the Western Front, Tom Sherbourne returns to Australia and takes a job as the lighthouse keeper on Janus Rock, nearly half a day's journey from the coast.  To this isolated island, where the supply boat comes once a season and shore leaves are granted every other year at best, Tom brings a young, bold, and loving wife, Isabel.  Years later, after two miscarriages and one stillbirth, the grieving Isabel hears a baby's cries on the wind.  A boat has washed up onshore carrying a dead man and a living baby.

Tom, whose records as a lighthouse keeper are meticulous and whose moral principles have withstood a horrific war, wants to report the man and infant immediately.  But Isabel has taken the tiny baby to her breast.  Against Tom's judgment, they claim her as their own and name her Lucy.  When she is two, Tom and Isabel return to the mainland and are reminded that there are other people in the world.  Their choice has devastated one of them.

M.L. Stedman's mesmerizing, beautifully written novel seduces us into accommodating Isabel's decision to keep this "gift from God."  And we are swept into a story about extraordinarily compelling characters seeking to find their North Star in a world where there is no right answer, where justice for one person is another's tragic loss.

The Light Between Oceans is exquisite and unforgettable, a deeply moving novel.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sour Cherry Pudding - Barbara

Who doesn't love sour cherries buried in a warm bread pudding topped with whip cream!?!?!?  We sure did!  Below is Barbara's famous Sour Cherry Pudding recipe!  Enjoy!!!

1 #2 can sour cherries
1 Cup sugar
1 TBSP butter
*Drain juice, set aside, and add sugar and butter to the cherries.

1 Cup flour
1 TBSP baking powder
1/2 Cup sugar
1/2 Cup milk
1/4 Tsp. salt

*Mix to a nice, smooth batter
*Pour cherries into a 9" baking dish
*Add batter on top of cherries
*Heat juice in microwave and pour hot juice over batter
*Bake in 350 degree oven for 30-40 minutes
*Serve in sauce dishes with cream or whipped cream

Saturday, August 31, 2013

The End of Your Life Book Club Discussion

Barbara, our BCDP winner!!!!
Book:  The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe
Meeting Place:  Harvest Room -- Palos Heights, IL
Tracy - 1.75
Joyce - .5
Sherry - 1
Barbara - 2.5
Melissa - 2
Kathy - .5
Michaelene - 1.75
Kim - 2.25
Average Rating:  1.53

Discussion:   Kim chose this book based on all the great reviews and "hype".  Our book club strongly disagreed!  We were all very disappointed and bored reading this book.  Before we discuss the details, it needs to be said that we all felt sympathetic towards this family.  Unfortunately, we have all suffered losing loved ones to cancer and know firsthand how emotionally draining life can be.  

We tried.......we really tried to give this book a shot....but it just didn't cut it!  Early on in the meeting, it became apparent that everyone disliked this book.  We started the meeting with our low ratings.  Will's mother, Mary Anne, was diagnosed with an aggressive pancreatic cancer.  Mary Anne and her son, Will formed an informal book club at her treatments.  Most of the books that were discussed throughout were not of interest to any of us.  The conversations were boring and we all felt as if we needed to push our way through.  The best parts of the book were the mother's cancer updates, but not enough to gather up any interest.  We felt that this book might be interesting if we had a personal connection to the family. 

We met at the Harvest Room restaurant in Palos Heights.  Their concept is simple:  from the farm to the table.  We all enjoyed an organic or gluten free meal.  Kathy, Sherry, and Tracy especially loved visiting their old neighborhood and remembered this restaurant as Johnathon's.  Lastly, and certainly not least, Barbara brought her homemade Sour Cherry Pudding.  YUM! 

BCDP:  Being our newest member to the club, Kim didn't realize she was responsible for bringing the BCDP.  So, she promised the winner, Barbara, to bring her prize next month.  Our names were put into a hat and the waiter chose Barbara.....Congratulations!  

Recommendation:   Not one member of our group recommends this book!  

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Book Recommendation - Melissa

Book:  The Island by Elin Hildebrand

After receiving an email from Melissa titled, "I loved the book!"  We all thought she was breaking her own rule and discussing August's book early.  BUT, we soon found out that she was recommending a book Sherry lent out.  Melissa claimed that The Island had a "summer" feel and urged us to read before summer was out.  This usual slow reader  knocked off a 403 paged novel in a week!  She lost sleep over this book reading until 1:45 am.  "today, on my day off, which I was savoring the notion of sleeping in, found myself drinking coffee and reading from 5:15 - 7:45."  WOW!  

So if you're looking for a quick, easy, summer read, try Melissa's recommendation The Island by Elin Hildebrand.

Friday, August 2, 2013

August Book Selection - Kim

The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe

Below is a description of the book (taken from Amazon) we will be reading in August.  We will discuss this book on Wednesday, August 28th.

"What are you reading?"

That's the question Will Schwalbe asks his mother, Mary Anne, as they sit in the waiting room of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.  In 2007, Mary Anne returned from a humanitarian trip to Pakistan and Afghanistan suffering from what her doctors believed was a rare type of hepatitis.  Months later she was diagnosed with a form of advanced pancreatic cancer, which is almost always fatal, often in six months or less.

This is the inspiring true story of a son and his mother, who start a "book club" that brings them together as her life comes to a close.  Over the next two years, Will and Mary Anne carry on conversations that are both wide-ranging and deeply personal, prompted by an eclectic array of books and a shared passion for reading.  Their list jumps from classic to popular, from poetry to mysteries, from fantastic to spiritual.  The issues they discuss include questions of faith and courage as well as everyday topics such as expressing gratitude and learning to listen.  Throughout, they are constantly reminded of the power of books to comfort us, astonish us, teach us, and tell us what we need to do with our lives and in the world.  Reading isn't the opposite of doing; it's the opposite of dying.

Will and Mary Anne share their hopes and concerns with each other -- and rediscover their lives -- through their favorite books.  When they read, they aren't a sick person and a well person, but a mother and a son taking a journey together.  The result is a profoundly moving tale of loss that is also a joyful, and often humorous, celebration of life:  Will's love letter to his mother, and theirs to the printed page.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sopapilla Cheesecake Bars - Joyce

Joyce slicing dessert with the bcpk!
Joyce added about 5 pounds to each of us with her Sopapilla Cheesecake Bars!  She served them warm, with honey drizzled on top.  They were INCREDIBLE!  Try them for yourself!

2 cans Pillsbury refrigerated crescent dinner rolls (8 oz each)
2 packages of cream cheese, softened (8 oz each)
1 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/2 cup sugar
1 TBSP ground cinnamon
honey (warmed)

1.  Heat oven to 350 F
2.  Unroll 1 can of dough.  Place it in the bottom of an ungreased 9X13 pan.  Stretch to cover bottom of pan, firmly pressing perforations to seal.
3.  In medium bowl, beat cream cheese and 1 cup of sugar with electric mixer on medium speed until smooth.  Beat in vanilla.
4.  Spread over dough in baking dish
5.  Unroll second can of dough and carefully place on top of cream cheese layer.  Pinch seams together.
6.  Pour melted butter evenly over top.  Mix remaining 1/2 cup sugar with cinnamon.  Sprinkle evenly over butter.
7.  Bake about 30 minutes or until center is set.
8.  Cool slightly - about 20 minutes
9.  Refrigerate for easy cutting
10.  For true Sopapilla flavor, warm in microwave 5-10 seconds and drizzle honey on them.
11.  Fresh blueberries or pie filling can be put on cream cheese layer.


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Six Years Discussion

Phoebe filling in for Michaelene!
Book:  Six Years by Harlan Coben
Meeting Place:  Sherry's House, poolside
Melissa  3.75
Barbara  4
Kathy  3.5
Tracy  3.25
Joyce  3.25
Kim  3.25
Sherry  3.5
Average Rating:  3.5
Pool Hopper!

Discussion:  Six Years was definitely one of the "more enjoyable" books we've read in the last few months!  We admired Harlan Coben's writing, and appreciated the great deal of suspense throughout the book.  Our interesting conversation about the book kept leading us off on a tangent.  We had to keep getting back on track since we were drifting onto MANY personal TMI discussions!  This happened to create another book club rule...."What happens at book club, stays at book club"!  

We enjoyed a beautiful night, poolside, discussing the book.  Sherry's pug, Phoebe, provided us with entertainment for the evening.  There was this intruder, our feathered friend the duck, swimming in the pool and walking on the patio.  Phoebe felt violated by this creature and tried to scare it away.  Unfortunately, the duck felt no fear and just ran into the pool.  Eventually, he flew out and Phoebe got her way.  

I think we over welcomed our stay when Zoe, Sherry's other pug, decided to "kick us out" around 11:00 pm.  Haha!
Barbara, our BCDP Winner!

BCDP:  Sherry dove into the theme of the book and created a cd of songs from 2007 which was "6 Years ago"!  Also, a photo taken of 4 members of the group "6 Years ago"!  Barbara won!  She will be bringing home the knife and sharing a dessert with us next month! 

Recommendation:  With an average rating of 3.5, our book club would recommend this book.  Some of us have already started reading other books written by Harlan Coben.   If you are looking for a pleasant, suspenseful, easy read....check it out!

Side note:  Our book club meeting happened to fall on Roger's (Joyce's husband) birthday!  He received a singing telegram from the book club!  :)  Lucky him.....

Monday, July 1, 2013

July Book Selection - Sherry

Six Years by Harlan Coben

Below is a description of the book (taken from Amazon) we will be reading in July.  We will discuss this book on Wednesday, July 31st.

Six years have passed since Jake Fisher watched Natalie, the love of his life, marry another man.  Six years of hiding a broken heart by throwing himself into his career as a college professor.  Six years of keeping his promise to leave Natalie alone, and six years of tortured dreams of her life with her new husband, Todd.

But six years haven't come close to extinguishing his feelings, and when Jake comes across Todd's obituary, he can't keep himself away from the funeral.  There he gets the glimpse of Todd's wife he's hoping for...but she is not Natalie.  Whoever the mourning widow is, she's been married to Todd for almost two decades, and with that fact everything Jake thought he knew about the best time of his life -- a time he has never gotten over -- is turned completely inside out.

As Jake searches for the truth, his picture-perfect memories of Natalie begin to unravel.  Mutual friends of the couple either can't be found, or don't remember Jake.  No one has seen Natalie in years.  Jake's search for the woman who broke his heart, who lied to him, soon puts his very life at risk as it dawns on him that the man he has become may be based on a carefully constructed fiction.

Harlan Coben once again delivers a shocking page-turner that deftly explores the power of past love, and the secrets and lies that such love can hide.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Brandy Slush - Joyce

Joyce brought a refreshing drink for all of us!  It was the perfect treat on a hot, summer's night!  Enjoy!

10 cups boiling water
4 (2g) tea bags
1 1/2 cups white sugar
1 (16 ounce) can frozen lemonade concentrate
1 (16 ounce) can frozen orange juice concentrate
3 cups brandy
1 (2 liter) bottle sprite/7up

1.  Boil the water and brew tea bags until dark, but not overly dark because that will make it bitter.
2.  Remove from heat.
3.  Add sugar, orange juice concentrate and lemon juice concentrate to tea.  Stir until completely thawed.
4.  Add brandy and stir.
5.  Pour mixture into freezeable containers.
6.  Freeze overnight, but after about 4-5 hours stir the partly frozen mixture to make sure the brandy doesn't settle to the bottom.
7.  When completely frozen, scoop into glass and pour the lemon lime soda over it.
8.  Stick a straw into it and ENJOY!!!  We sure did!!!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Plum Spooky Discussion

Book:  Plum Spooky by Janet Evanovich
Meeting Place:  Kathy's home
Michaelene - 2
Kim - 3.5
Tracy - 2.75
Joyce - 3.5
Sherry - 2
Barbara - 1
Melissa - 2
Kathy - 3
Average Rating:  2.47

Discussion:  Barbara opened up the discussion claiming the author was a horrible writer and she did not like the book.  She felt the story was unbelievable.  Melissa agreed, and added "it was a complete waste of time".  She also hope Carl would never return after he was missing in action.  Although we all agreed the book was a "light read", we had a variety of opinions.  Joyce and Kim enjoyed the book and appreciated the humor.   We all laughed about the ridiculous fire-farter!  And we also chuckled about Lula, the plus-sized African American!  
Melissa's "monkey shirt"

Special thanks to Kathy for hosting the meeting at her home, and providing a fabulous spread.  And we can't forget Joyce, who served the refreshing Brandy Slushes!

BCDP:  Always the themer, Kathy was very clever in choosing the BCDP winner.  We all chose a food item that was eaten in the book (there was even a peanut butter and olive sandwich, which Barbara and Melissa shared).  Kathy picked the name of one of the treats, and whoever had that treat, won the BCDP.  The winner was Joyce!  She won MONKEY bread and a gift card.  As a bonus, Barbara won Carl....the stuffed monkey purchased at a thrift shop....

Happy 70th Birthday Barbara!
Recommendation:  Because we had a wide variety of ratings, some recommended the book, others did not.  Read the description and see if its of interest to you.  Proceed from there!!!!

Side note:  We celebrated Barbara's 70th birthday with Sherry's banana bread and singing!  Her birthday was in May, but unfortunately she had an out-of-town emergency and missed the meeting.  Better late than never!

Friday, May 31, 2013

June Book Selection - Kathy

Plum Spooky by Janet Evonivich

Below is a description of the book (taken from Amazon) we will be reading in June.  We will discuss this book on Wednesday, June 26th.

Turn on all the lights and check under your bed.  Things are about to get spooky in Trenton, New Jersey.

According to legend, the Jersey Devil prowls the Pine Barrens and soars above the treetops in the dark of night.  As eerie as this might seem, there are things in the Barrens that are even more frightening and dangerous.  And there are monkeys.  Lots of monkeys.

Wulf Grimoire is a world wanderer and an opportunist who can kill without remorse and disappear like smoke.  He's chosen Martin Munch, boy genius, as his new business partner, and he's chosen the Barrens as his new playground.

Munch received his doctorate degree in quantum physics when he was twenty-two.  He's now twenty-four, and while his brain is large, his body hasn't made it out of the boys' department at Macy's.  Anyone who says good things come in small packages hasn't met Munch.  Wulf Grimoire is looking for world domination.  Martin Munch would be happy if he could just get a woman naked and tied to a tree.

Bounty hunter Stephanie Plum has Munch on her most-wanted list for failure to appear in court.  Plum is the all-American girl stuck in an uncomfortable job, succeeding on luck and tenacity.  Usually she gets her man.  This time she gets a monkey.  She also gets a big guy named Diesel.

Diesel pops in and out of Plum's life like birthday cake -- delicious to look at and taste, not especially healthy as a steady diet, gone by the end of the week if not sooner.  He's an uber bounty hunter with special skills when it comes to tracking men and pleasing women.  He's after Grimoire, and now he's also after Munch.  And if truth were told, he wouldn't mind setting Stephanie Plum in his crosshairs.

Diesel and Plum hunt down Munch and Grimoire, following them into the Barrens, surviving cranberry bogs, the Jersey Devil, a hair-raising experience, sand in their underwear, and, of course...monkeys.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Handsmaid's Tale Discussion

Barbara's Handsmaid Red Velvet Cake!  Cute and delicious!
Book:  Handsmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
Meeting Place:  Blissful Banana Cafe, Orland Park
Melissa - 1.75
Kathy - .75
Michaelene - 2.5
Kim - 2.5
Tracy - 1.75
Joyce - 1
Sherry - 1
Barbara - 2
Average Rating:  1.66

Discussion:  Based on our above ratings, I think its very clear on how we felt about this book!  Unfortunately, it didn't move, excite, or "wow" any members in the club.  We consistently felt the book was depressing, and we were all happy to finish and put it behind.  
Sherry, BCDP Winner!

BCDP:  Congratulations to Sherry, our BCDP winner!  She got to take home some fancy soap, and a Scrabble game.  The Commander and Offred always played Scrabble.  What a great way to "theme" Barbara!

Recommendation:  As you may have guessed, our book club does not recommend The Handsmaid's Tale.  On a good note, we got the pleasure of dining at a cute, quiet cafe in Orland Park -- The Blissful Banana.  We all enjoyed the food, atmosphere, and the banana smoothie sample.  So, instead of hitting your library for The Handsmaid's Tale, we suggest visiting The Blissful Banana Cafe.  You won't regret!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

May Book Selection - Barbara

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

Below is a description of the book (taken from Amazon) we will be reading in May.  We will discuss this book on Wednesday, May 29th.

A gripping vision of our society radically overturned by a theocratic revolution, Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale has become one of the most powerful and most widely read novels of our time.

Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead, serving in the household of enigmatic commander and his bitter wife.  She may go out once a day to markets whose signs are now pictures because women are not allowed to read.  She must pray that the Commander makes her pregnant, for in a time of declining birthrates her value lies in her fertility, and failure means exile to the dangerously polluted Colonies.  Offred can remember a time when she lived with her husband and daughter and had a job, before she lost even her own name.  Now she navigates the intimate secrets of those who control her every move, risking her life in breaking the rules.

Like Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-four, The Handmaid's Tale has endured not only as a literary landmark but as a warning of a possible future that is still chillingly relevant.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Chocolate Caramel Brownies - Tracy


Monday, April 29, 2013

Into Thin Air - Discussion

Melissa's educational poster board!
Book:  Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer
Meeting Place:  PF Changs - Orland Park
Kathy - 2.5
Michaelene - 1.25 
Kim - 2.5
Tracy - 2
Joyce - 2
Sherry - 2
Barbara - 2
Melissa - 2
Average Rating:  2.0625  

Discussion:  "When one is standing on the summit of Mt. Everest, not only is one standing on a cold stone......but, one foot is in China and the other is in Nepal."  (Email written by Melissa)  This explains why we met at P.F. Changs in Orland.  The meeting began with Melissa displaying a homemade poster board containing facts and photos of Mt. Everest.  Very creative and educational!  Regarding our discussion, we felt that on a positive note, the book was educational and we all learned some interesting facts about Mt. Everest.  Before reading the book, we all had this image of Mt. Everest being this beautiful, pristine mountain.  Boy were we surprised when we learned about all the garbage, body parts, etc.  We all felt we could never look at Mt. Everest the same!  Mt. Everest, we soon discovered, wasn't exactly very economical.  $65,000 a pop to climb this mountain.  Ouch!  We were also surprised at the lack of regulation.  It was interesting to hear how Kathy's - friend's- husband climbed Mt. Everest!  
Barbara, with her BCDP, poster, and costume!

On the negative side, we weren't too thrilled with Krakauer's writing style.  It was disappointing in the number of names he used throughout the book.  Sometimes naming people by first name, and other times by last name.  It got very confusing.  The author failed to "grab" most of us who were not interested in the topic.  In the past, we read Shadow Diver's, a book in which most had no interest, but the author "grabbed" us and the book remains at the top of our ratings.  We did have one member, Kim, our newest member I may add, rate the book a 5.  She claimed to be very interested in geography type books and felt it deserved a high rating.  Unfortunately, she was unable to attend the discussion. 

BCDP:  Everyone was given a small piece of paper with a smiley.  Whoever matched the color of Melissa's, won the BCDP.  The lucky winner, Barbara, received a nice package of "mountain" related gifts.  

Recommendation:  All (except one) would not recommend this book.  I guess if you are a "geography buff" like Kim, go to the library immediately and check it out!

Side Note:  We had some "themer's" at the meeting!  Kathy wore icicle earrings and Barbara wore a sign that read "I Climbed Mt. Everest".  Melissa created a nice poster with facts and photos.

We all received a fortune cookie at the restaurant and ironically, Tracy's said "Your creativity takes you to great heights"!  

Thursday, April 4, 2013

April Book Selection - Melissa

Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer

Below is a description of the book (taken from the book cover) we will be reading in April.  We will discuss this book on Monday, April 29th.

When Jon Krakauer reached the summit of Mt. Everest in the early afternoon of May 10, 1996, he hadn't slept in 57 hours and was reeling from the brain-altering effects of oxygen depletion.  As he turned to begin his long, dangerous descent from 29,028 feet, twenty other climbers were still pushing doggedly toward the top.  No one had noticed that the sky had begun to fill with clouds.  Six hours later and 3,000 feet lower, in 70- knot winds and blinding snow,  Krakauer collapsed in his tent, freezing, hallucinating from exhaustion and hypoxia, but safe.  The following morning he learned that six of his fellow climbers hadn't made it back to their camp and were in a desperate struggle for their lives.  When the storm finally passed, five of them would be dead, and the sixth so horribly frostbitten that his right hand would have to be amputated.

Krakauer examines what it is about Everest that has compelled so many people -- including himself -- to throw caution to the wind, ignore the concerns of loved ones, and willingly subject themselves to such risk, hardship, and expense.  Written with emotional clarity and supported by his unimpeachable reporting, Krakauer's eyewitness account of what happened on the roof of the world is a singular achievement.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Me Before You - Discussion

Book:  Me Before You by Jojo Mayes
Kathy theming the "bee tatoo and tights"
Meeting Place:  Rock Bottom, Orland Park, IL
Ratings on a 5 point scale:
Sherry - 3
Melissa - 3.75
Barbara - 5
Kathy - 2.75
Michaelene - 3.25
Tracy - 4

Joyce - 5
Average Rating:  3.8

Discussion:  We first discussed the significance of the title.  We all agreed there were many characters who supported the "me before you" mentality.  Next discussion was whether the legalized suicide was murder or mercy.  We had various answers.  All members with one exception would not want to live as a quadriplegic and understood Will's feelings.  It was a great discussion about a controversial topic, and everyone offered insightful comments.

On the education side, Joyce did some research on the Dignitas.  It is a real facility Switzerland, and costs $5300 to be "put down".
Happy Birthday Sher!

BCDP:  Joyce had each of us pick a number out of a hat, and Tracy was the winner again!  She won a beautiful box with assorted teas, just like the tea in the book.  Each member also received Lavender Citrus Tea bags and a Ruby Tuesday original recipe for a Lavender Infused Pear Martini.  

Recommendation:  There were 2 perfect "5" ratings and an average rating of 3.8, so highly recommended!  Very thought provoking!

Side note:  Happy birthday Sherry!  We brought cake in honor of Sherry aging another year!