Monday, April 29, 2013

Into Thin Air - Discussion

Melissa's educational poster board!
Book:  Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer
Meeting Place:  PF Changs - Orland Park
Kathy - 2.5
Michaelene - 1.25 
Kim - 2.5
Tracy - 2
Joyce - 2
Sherry - 2
Barbara - 2
Melissa - 2
Average Rating:  2.0625  

Discussion:  "When one is standing on the summit of Mt. Everest, not only is one standing on a cold stone......but, one foot is in China and the other is in Nepal."  (Email written by Melissa)  This explains why we met at P.F. Changs in Orland.  The meeting began with Melissa displaying a homemade poster board containing facts and photos of Mt. Everest.  Very creative and educational!  Regarding our discussion, we felt that on a positive note, the book was educational and we all learned some interesting facts about Mt. Everest.  Before reading the book, we all had this image of Mt. Everest being this beautiful, pristine mountain.  Boy were we surprised when we learned about all the garbage, body parts, etc.  We all felt we could never look at Mt. Everest the same!  Mt. Everest, we soon discovered, wasn't exactly very economical.  $65,000 a pop to climb this mountain.  Ouch!  We were also surprised at the lack of regulation.  It was interesting to hear how Kathy's - friend's- husband climbed Mt. Everest!  
Barbara, with her BCDP, poster, and costume!

On the negative side, we weren't too thrilled with Krakauer's writing style.  It was disappointing in the number of names he used throughout the book.  Sometimes naming people by first name, and other times by last name.  It got very confusing.  The author failed to "grab" most of us who were not interested in the topic.  In the past, we read Shadow Diver's, a book in which most had no interest, but the author "grabbed" us and the book remains at the top of our ratings.  We did have one member, Kim, our newest member I may add, rate the book a 5.  She claimed to be very interested in geography type books and felt it deserved a high rating.  Unfortunately, she was unable to attend the discussion. 

BCDP:  Everyone was given a small piece of paper with a smiley.  Whoever matched the color of Melissa's, won the BCDP.  The lucky winner, Barbara, received a nice package of "mountain" related gifts.  

Recommendation:  All (except one) would not recommend this book.  I guess if you are a "geography buff" like Kim, go to the library immediately and check it out!

Side Note:  We had some "themer's" at the meeting!  Kathy wore icicle earrings and Barbara wore a sign that read "I Climbed Mt. Everest".  Melissa created a nice poster with facts and photos.

We all received a fortune cookie at the restaurant and ironically, Tracy's said "Your creativity takes you to great heights"!  

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